Юлия Александровна » 03 ноя 2012, 14:57
На каникулах повторяли темы:
употребление артиклей a/an (=one), some (единственное, множественное число, добавление окончания -s/-es к существительным во множественном числе), употребление числительных one, two, ..., ten, a hundred - ten hundred, a hundred and one - a hundred and ten.
Фразы: 1. There is.. - There are..
How many Xs are there?
How many Xs are here?
There are.. - Here are..
2. - Can I have a/some...?
- Here you are!/No, I'm sorry.
3. I've got a/some...
4. I like...
5. I am...
Словарный запас: a cat, a dog, a fish, a parrot; a grape - some grapes, a peach - some peaches, a plum - some plums, an apple, an egg, a hamburger, a drink, a salad, an ice-cream; a map, a bag, a ball; a computer; a car, a motorbike (=a motorcycle = a bike), a bicycle = a bike; a tree, a bush - some bushes, a flower, a rose; big, little; a wash; the king, the queen, the princess, a gardener (a garden); strong, fat, beautiful, clever, brave.
Good morning/afternoon/evening/night.
I don't know.
С уважением, Ваша Ю.А.